Source: slopeofhope: Paradigms Lost | Slope of Hope

Paradigms Lost | Slope of Hope

Everything I’ve got to say about the market can be expressed in one chart. For those of you who are a little new to these home electronic computing devices, click on the chart for a big version. (The Fibonacci fan lines shown are anchored to March 10, 1937……….so this is a long-term view, to say the least).

The human being-like female-ish person shown on the right is the enemy. Maybe not your enemy. But she’s my enemy. And she, along with her cause, will be destroyed in the end.

I was shocked to see Slopers seriously discussing the sound reasoning and strong likelihood of the Dow reaching 100,000, per Ric Edelman. This goes right along with traders quitting left and right, to say nothing of bloggers and newsletter writers throwing in the towel. The atmosphere has become very spooky of late. Here’s just one example from B.I. (home of the world’s most insipid tweets). It’s different this time. Again.

I’m going to start something tonight which is probably as daunting as reading the entire Bible (but probably not nearly so boring): I’m going to start going through all my posts, one by one (there are about 15,000). I’m doing this for a variety of reasons. One is that I’m considering writing yet another book which is utterly different than anything I’ve ever done, and this is a form of research. The other is that I’ll probably be stacking stuff to SocialTrade like there’s no tomorrow.

Suffice it to say that I’m short enough to jump off a dime (although, mercifully, I don’t touch NFLX). The atmosphere is strange, boys and girls. We are at a very weird moment. And the same Holy Spirit that made that stenographer flip out now has a hold of me. Luckily, I’m nowhere near a microphone or, for that matter, C-Span.

Kirk out.


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