Source: kimblechartingsolutions: joe-friday-growth-indicator-tanking-of-late-june-16.jpg (1296×676)

joe-friday-growth-indicator-tanking-of-late-june-16.jpg (1296×676)

Post election the investment community was strong on the belief that the new administration was going to get the economy to grow and that inflation will pick up. Below looks at the Growth/Inflation indicator ratio, which is created by using TIP/TLT ratio.


Booboo, Degrowth Defined →Booboo, Degrowth Defined →
Fake Charts, Fake News. ALL IS WELL! 
11:18 News Bot: Fed's Kaplan (voter): Sees a modest recovery in growth over the rest of the year, says the economy in good shape 
- Says inflation is 'very muted' 
- US is close to full employment 
- Calls for patience on rate hikes 