Source: thetechnicaltraders: A Combination Topping Pattern Is Setting Up – Technical Traders Ltd.

A Combination Topping Pattern Is Setting Up – Technical Traders Ltd.


Bruised ReedBruised Reed
Chris, I'm interested in your short-term view on silver in view of possible global pandemic and a possible market meltdown. Here's mine: 
Gold is rightly perceived as insurance and real money, but many still perceive silver primarily as an industrial metal. If industry and transports are grinding to a halt over virus fears, there is a possibility that we see a big hit on silver. Remember 2008? Spot price plunged to $8.50 (not that you could find physical in quantity for anything less than $13). If you did not have physical, then you were holding an ETF or ETN that was deep in the red. The time to load up on digital silver may be when it has been crushed to inconceivable lows. 1/31/20