View: 20170126_vix2.jpg (960×494)

20170126_vix2.jpg (960×494)

Record short VIX positioning


Mr. WizardMr. Wizard 
VIX Volatility Index Poised for Explosive Gains 
The VIX (CBOE Volatility Index) appears poised for at least a 20-50% gain in the next 2-6 weeks as it has just put in a divergent low while dipping just below the lower end of it's range. 
Randy Phinney very big on catching divergences. 1/26/17
Too many people want this and need this, so it's hard to imagine it actually taking place. 1/27/17
Useful IdiotUseful Idiot
https://puncturedartefact.files.wordpress. com/2013/05/ac2ef857f22ede5a7a9bc4632c35919c.jpg 1/28/17