Browse Stacks: Analytics: Fundamental: Here Is The Stunning Reason Why Treasury Yields Blew Out In April | Zero Hedge

Here Is The Stunning Reason Why Treasury Yields Blew Out In April...

In April, Russia liquidated $47.4 billion, half of its US Treasuries, , its lowest holdings since March 2008. The 10YT yield rose around 35bps at that time.


Makes you wonder what they plan to spend almost 50 billion on now... Gold? Guns? Butter? 6/16/18
It's interesting that there is no reply option to your post: "Makes you wonder what they plan to spend almost 50 billion on now... Gold? Guns? Butter?". Wonder if that's a glitch in the matrix? 
Anyway, my guess is caviar and vodka. Not necessarily in that order. 6/16/18