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Week 15 market preview
Blanks of the trader
Week 15 market preview
Market volatility is something that scares most of buy and hold type of traders/investors, however is very welcomed by short to midterm type of traders. Normally it is triggered by some sort combination of news events. Particularly la...
Blanks of the trader
Due to the recent sideways action across many markets lots of traders prefer to stay away till the dominant prevailing direction will kick-in. However for pattern traders this is ideal situation to take advantage of the setups that be...
Blanks of the trader
I came across trading analogy to crossing pedestrian zebra? some time ago and last week had a chance to connect the dots and draw the relationships having the raw live trading situation. I believe i had two calls last week that i got...
Blanks of the trader
Well done to traders who took advantage of Cypher pattern posted last week for CAC40 index. As anticipated 3620's area served as pivot support and market shoot up north hitting at least 3 targets netting about +100 pips of net profit...
Blanks of the trader
Being predominantly pattern trader current market conditions are keeping me busy in multiple markets from watch list. To recap the last week setups i had immediate loser on ALSI40 trend continuation setup as well as two fills on advanced...
Blanks of the trader
Last week had a sense of cold shower after a great run on EUR/USD the market took a breath stopping me out on my long for about +300 pips of net profit. Also took a loser on another long setup where CAC40 index completed Cypher patter...
Blanks of the trader
Having multiple winners in a row may be something as overwhelming as having losing streak. The aspect of taking profits far too early is one of the main struggles for less experienced traders as missing out on the big chunk of the mov...
Blanks of the trader
One of the faulty perceptions about the brokers within the traders discussion groups online is that they are after the traders with stop hunting practices etc. The fact that some of them do some activities that are not so transparent...
Blanks of the trader
Believe it or not traders we are very close to the end of 2012 and the final sprint of this year? promises? lots of volatility and movement which means potentially lots of sound trading opportunities. Last weeks anticipation played ou...
Week 48 trading stubs, final sprint for 2012
Briefly? recapping? last week, anticipated "falling knifes" setups did not play out themselves despite some congestion at? anticipated? levels CAC40, ALSI40 and DOW made the new lows, keeping me busy cutting loses in a CAC40 setup tha...
Blanks of the trader
Week 46 trading preview
Week 46 trading stubs, catching the falling knifes
Week 46 trading preview
week 45 market preview
Blanks of the trader
week 45 market preview