
$RUT Hourly Chart 

From a charting perspective, easy to see why this has been a boring week, as we're at the top of 4 week rising wedge on the Russell. Next week should be much more interesting. 

This chart shows good evidence of the success of trend trading based on the ATR levels I've been using since Dec based on multiple timeframes. I had to endure the Dec-Jan consolidation, holding long positions, while trading small positions to either hedge risk or profit from short term moves.... However, in Feb I have been absolutely crushing it, staying on the right side of the trend.


Tn. Great post. I've never used the ATR. If you have any tips on what triggers you use I sure would appreciate learning from you. TB 2/19/15
I'll try to do a post in the next month or two after I get a good 4-5 months of data, and then explain what I'm doing. 2/20/15
Thanks 2/21/15