View: 20170104_notcheap.jpg (960×507)

20170104_notcheap.jpg (960×507)

Gee, what a great place to be going long equities.


Come on in, the water's warm.... 1/4/17
I love how you can throw back decades on your charts so neatly. I get my charts from TOS and they are nice, but kind of clunky. I even try to draw the same lines you have on my charts and they just don't line up. How can I get prophet charts like you? 1/4/17
ZeroPointMind ΦZeroPointMind Φ
@ azzir80  
prophet charts are available on TOS. Click on prophet under charts in the upper left hand corner. 1/4/17
That was easy! Thanks. haha 1/4/17