View: 20171130_never.jpg (1161×586)

20171130_never.jpg (1161×586)

Unless the world comes to a very serious end overnight, global equity markets are about to do something they have never done before... rise for 13 consecutive months.


pretty powerful campaign promises....close the border, cut taxes, raise productivity (robots), use tariiffs for gov't income... 
trump train, never needs re-fueling! 11/30/17
1SexyStud→ → → "GOODTIME"1SexyStud→ → → "GOODTIME"
@zstock "pretty powerful campaign promises....close the border, cut taxes, raise productivity (robots), use tariiffs for gov't income... trump train, never needs re-fueling!" 
'merica used to go to the moon. "Fight for Space", space stations, mars plans. It seems to be a Leadership problem. These last few do not seem to get IT. 
Your comment reminds me of the Space Shuttle program. Launch a truck to deliver things to nowhere. "Fight for Space" 11/30/17