Browse Symbol Stacks: ZW: Wheat - Weekly - 7.22.16.png

Wheat - Weekly - 7.22.16.png

Wheat - weekly. This is not investment advice.


That's a solid green line ya got there. 7/22/16
Silver SingularitySilver Singularity
What does a linear trendline mean for you in this linear scale graph? 
I ask to see if you know the answer because I'm sorry but I don't think you know what you're really drawing in this chart 7/24/16
@Silver_Singu: Look, you're really starting to piss me off. Read my lips: I do not care that it is a linear graph with a linear trendline. You think you are a master analyst because you've discovered that trend lines draw differently on log vs linear graphs? Guess what? You are not special! It doesn't take a genius to know the difference between the two. Technical analysis is not rocket science and anyone proclaiming that a log trendline is any more valid, for predicting future price movements, than a linear trendline is lying! Do I know the difference? Yes, I do, smart ass. I don't need a log chart to see the proper rate of change/increase of price, I can do that just by glancing at a chart whether it be log or linear. I use linear trendlines because I have found them to be more respected on charts as support resistance vs log trend lines and that is all anyone should care about regarding trend lines. If your experience shows that log trendlines are more respected most of the time, all the power to you! Keep using log lines! I don't care! My experience has shown that price is more often respected on linear charts. Again, if you are using charts to help in predicting future price movements and whether price will hold a support/resistance level, it does NOT matter which type of chart you use! If, however, you are trying to determine the rate of change of a price increase, then yes, a log chart will help you see what's really going on, but again I don't need to switch to a log chart to know that and I certainly don't need to draw a log trendline to determine the proper support/resistance based on trendlines. Now that I've smacked you, will you please leave me alone? K thanks! 8/4/16
I am expecting a bottom this week. I am scaling into a massive long position in wheat futures sub-$400. Upside targets of $800 and $1,050. 8/30/16