User: Idiot Wind: Evil Plans
Biggest Baddest Bubble Blown Bursts
Biggest Baddest Bubble Blown Bursts…….Evil Plan 0.00 (By BDI...
Biggest Baddest Bubble Blown Bursts
Well, my fellow Slope-a-Dopes, as you know, I’m not even supposed to be here. Alas, the ominous geopolitical developments unfolding before our very eyes have the idiot insanely infatuated. The Savant must once again sound off, as he...
Globalists Gas Game Theory…….EP End-Game by BDI | Slope of Hope
Good afternoon my fellow Slope-a-Dopes. ? I’m sure you’re asking yourselves what the hell is he doing back here after having made such a fuss about his taking a leave of absence due to serious health concerns. ? Well, I’m currently...
President Putin Pisses on POTUS………Last Evil Plan by BDI? | Sl...
Well, Slope-a-Dopes, it is with a very heavy heart (no pun intended)? that I am compelled to announce my departure. ? I’m afraid I have concluded that it will be for the best that I make a graceful exit at this time. ? As most of yo...
The Likeness of God is to Create……The Eternal EP by BDI | Slope...
Good afternoon Denver Dopes, just though I’d entertain you with a quick BDI Shuffle before the main event, the Sherman Super Bowl Shuffle, begins in earnest. ? The suspect super strategy that I will attempt to tackle today should ta...
Spiked Super Bowl Shuffle BDI Style…….EP XLVII | Slope of Hope
Well, my fellow Slope-a-Dopes, I just could not bear sitting in silence any longer while all the blabbering bulls boast and gloat as they roast bear chestnuts over an open fire. ? Enjoy your happy holidays highs, my bloated bovine but...
Cowgirls Wearing Pink Shades……Evil Plan 1001 (by BDI) | Slope of Hope
Evil Plan 999 FFFF
Fantastic Fall Free Fall……….Evil Plan 999 (by BDI) | Slope of Hope
Evil Plan 999 FFFF
Yours truly, back from the motherland. ? Enjoyed long conversations with the extended French family over Camembert,? saucisson sec? ? & J&B scotch at the 600 hectar family estate “La Vallette” in Villers-Charlemagne, less than an...
Surreal Sadistic Syrian Subterfuge: Evil Plan 111.0 | Slope of Hope
Evil Plan 666.0....
The Poisonous Printing Press
The Poisonous Printing Press………Evil Plan 666.0 | Slope of Hope
Evil Plan 666.0....
The Poisonous Printing Press
Evil Plan 109.0...........
Giuseppe Grillo's Got Gusto Gas
Giuseppe Grillo's Got Gusto Gas!......................Evil Plan...
Evil Plan 109.0...........
Giuseppe Grillo's Got Gusto Gas
Evil Plan 107.0......
Sequester Helter Skelter
Sequester Helter Skelter..........Evil Plan 107.0 (by BDI) - Slo...
Evil Plan 107.0......
Sequester Helter Skelter
Evil Plan 105.0......
Crazed Kamikaze Counterfeiters
Crazed Kamikaze Counterfeiters.......Evil Plan 105.0 (by BDI) -...
Evil Plan 105.0......
Crazed Kamikaze Counterfeiters
Evil Plan 103.0........
Board the Icarus Airbus or Bust
Board the Icarus Airbus or Bust..................Evil Plan 103.0...
Evil Plan 103.0........
Board the Icarus Airbus or Bust
Evil Plan 101.0..........
The Collective Conscious Crack Up Boom
The Collective Conscious Crack Up Boom.......Evil Plan 101.0 (by...
Evil Plan 101.0..........
The Collective Conscious Crack Up Boom
Evil Plan 99.0.........
Why So Serious Silly Slope Suckers
Why So Serious Silly Slope Suckers?..............Evil Plan 99.0...
Evil Plan 99.0.........
Why So Serious Silly Slope Suckers
Evil Plan 97.0.............
Raw Randy Ram Slam
RAW RANDY RAM SLAM......Evil Plan 97.0 (by BDI) - Slope Of Hope...
Evil Plan 97.0.............
Raw Randy Ram Slam
Evil Plan 95.0..........
Crony Currency Club Cartel Controls Captives
Slope Of Hope with Tim Knight
Evil Plan 95.0..........
Crony Currency Club Cartel Controls Captives
Evil plan 93.0..........
Supersonic Fiscal Free Fall
Supersonic Fiscal Free Fall....................Evil Plan 93.0 (b...
Evil plan 93.0..........
Supersonic Fiscal Free Fall
Evil Plan..........91.0
Ominous Opportune October Offensive
Ominous Opportune October Offensive..................Evil Plan 9...
Evil Plan..........91.0
Ominous Opportune October Offensive
Evil Plan.......89.0
CNN = Corporate National Networks
(To get the full EP video effect click on the original source link below;-)
CNN = Corporate National Network........Evil Plan 89.0 (by BDI)...
Evil Plan.......89.0
CNN = Corporate National Networks
(To get the full EP video effect click on the original so...
Evil Plan 87.0.........
Madrid Mass Mayhem
Madrid Mass Mayhem...............Evil Plan 87.0 (by BDI) - Slope...
Evil Plan 87.0.........
Madrid Mass Mayhem
Evil Plan 85.0............
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
The Four Macro Horsemen of the Apocalypse......Evil Plan 85.0 (b...
Evil Plan 85.0............
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Evil Plan 83.0..........
There She Blows!!!
There She Blows!!!...................Evil Plan 83.0 (by BDI) - S...
Evil Plan 83.0..........
There She Blows!!!
Evil Plan 81.0..........
Constitutional Krout Court Kabosh
Cardinal Krout Court Kabosh...............Evil Plan 81.0 (by BDI...
Evil Plan 81.0..........
Constitutional Krout Court Kabosh
Evil Plan 79.0..........
Monetary Mindfields
Monetary Minefields............Evil Plan 79.0 (by BDI) - Slope O...
Evil Plan 79.0..........
Monetary Mindfields
Evil Plan 77.0...........
The Royal Olympic Jump
The Royal Olympic Jump................Evil Plan 77.0 (by BDI) -...
Evil Plan 77.0...........
The Royal Olympic Jump
Evil Plan 27.0...........
Eurobortion..........................Evil Memo 1.2500 (by BDI) -...
Evil Plan 27.0...........
Ray Dalio vs. Jim Rickards
Ray Dalio vs. Jim Rickards.............(by BDI) - Slope Of Hope...
Ray Dalio vs. Jim Rickards
The Gravy Train Derails
Evil Plan 43.0
The Gravy Train Derails..............Evil Plan 43.0 (by BDI) - S...
The Gravy Train Derails
Evil Plan 43.0
The Rain in Spain
Evil Plan 47.0
The Rain in Spain......Evil Plan 47.0 (by BDI) - Slope Of Hope w...
The Rain in Spain
Evil Plan 47.0
Beware the Aging Raging Bull
pre-Evil Plan C
Beware the Aging Raging Bull - Slope Of Hope with Tim Knight
Beware the Aging Raging Bull
pre-Evil Plan C
Macro Storm Clouds Gathering
Pre-Evil Plan B
Macro Storm Clouds Gathering - Slope Of Hope with Tim Knight
Macro Storm Clouds Gathering
Pre-Evil Plan B
Dancing with Bulls or Stampeding with Buffaloes
Pre- Evil Plan A
Dancing with Bulls or Stampeding with Buffaloes - Slope Of Hope...
Dancing with Bulls or Stampeding with Buffaloes
Pre- Evil Plan A
Up or Down babe?
Evil Plan 71.0
Up or Down Babe?..................Evil Plan 71.0 (by BDI) - Slop...
Up or Down babe?
Evil Plan 71.0
Going Down Greek Style
Evil Plan 69.0
Going Down Greek Style.....Evil Plan 69.0 (by BDI) - Slope Of Ho...
Going Down Greek Style
Evil Plan 69.0
Stoking the Fires of hell
Evil Plan 67.0
Stoking the Fires of Hell..............Evil Plan 67.0 (by BDI) -...
Stoking the Fires of hell
Evil Plan 67.0
The Nazi Nail Biter
Evil Plan 65.0
The Nazi Nail Biter..................Evil Plan 65.0 (by BDI) - S...
The Nazi Nail Biter
Evil Plan 65.0
Rain Delay EURO tarp
Evil Plan 63.0
Rain Delay EURO Tarp................(Evil Plan 63.0 by BDI) - Sl...
Rain Delay EURO tarp
Evil Plan 63.0
The Calm before the Storm
Evil Plan 61.0
The Calm before the Storm...............(Evil Plan 61.0 by BDI)...
The Calm before the Storm
Evil Plan 61.0
Let the Banks Tank
Evil Plan 59.0
Let The Banks Tank!...............Evil Plan 59.0 (by BDI) - Slop...
Let the Banks Tank
Evil Plan 59.0
La Décadence!
Evil Plan 57.0
La Décadence .............Evil Plan 57.0 (by BDI) - Slope Of Ho...
La Décadence!
Evil Plan 57.0
Enjoy The Beach CarlaCozy
Evil Plan 55.0
Enjoy The Beach Carlakozy......Evil Plan 55.0 (by BDI) - Slope O...
Enjoy The Beach CarlaCozy
Evil Plan 55.0
Volcanic Euroption
Evil Plan 53.0
Volcanic Euroption..............Evil Plan 53.0 (by BDI) - Slope...
Volcanic Euroption
Evil Plan 53.0
Bull Dung Droppings
Evil Plan 51.0
Bull Dung Droppings....................Evil Plan 51.0 (by BDI) -...
Bull Dung Droppings
Evil Plan 51.0
iShop Until iDrop
Evil Plan 49.0
iShop Until iDrop..............Evil Plan 49.0 (by BDI) - Slope O...
iShop Until iDrop
Evil Plan 49.0
Bonjour from Bretagne!
BDI visits family in France
Bonjour from Bretagne, France.......(Evil Plan 43.0 by BDI) - Sl...
Bonjour from Bretagne!
BDI visits family in France
Lie to me Pinocchio
Evil Plan 41.0
Lie to me Pinocchio - Evil Plan 41.0 (by BDI) - Slope Of Hope wi...
Lie to me Pinocchio
Evil Plan 41.0
The February Blues
Evil Plan 39.0
The February Blues (Evil Plan 39.0 by BDI) - Slope Of Hope with...
The February Blues
Evil Plan 39.0
The Borg
Evil Plan 37.0
The Borg (Evil Plan 37.0 by BDI) - Slope Of Hope with Tim Knight
The Borg
Evil Plan 37.0
Greece Lightning
Evil Plan 35.0
Greece Lightning..........(Evil Plan 35.0 by BDI) - Slope Of Hop...
Greece Lightning
Evil Plan 35.0
Tippity Tippity Top
Evil plan 33.0
Tippity Tippity Top.........(Evil Plan 33.0 by BDI) - Slope Of H...
Tippity Tippity Top
Evil plan 33.0
Now What?
Evil Plan 73.0
Now What?.....................Evil Plan 73.0 (by BDI) - Slope Of...
Now What?
Evil Plan 73.0
EURO Bounce
Evil Plan 31.0
EURO Bounce?(by Evil Plan 31.0) - Slope Of Hope with Tim Knight
EURO Bounce
Evil Plan 31.0
The Coming Crash
Evil Plan 29.0
The Coming Crash............Evil Plan 29.0 - Slope Of Hope with...
The Coming Crash
Evil Plan 29.0
Down Up DOWN!
Evil Plan 25.0
Evil Plan 25.0................down-up-DOWN! - Slope Of Hope with...
Down Up DOWN!
Evil Plan 25.0
QE3 Sets Sail
Evil Plan 23.0
QE3 Sets Sail.............Evil Plan 23.0 - Slope Of Hope with Ti...
QE3 Sets Sail
Evil Plan 23.0
Euro Trash Evil Plan 21.0
EuroTrash.............Evil Plan 21.0 - Slope Of Hope with Tim Knight
Euro Trash Evil Plan 21.0
Italian Barf Bag
Evil Plan 19.0
Italian Barf Bag........Evil Plan 19.0 - Slope Of Hope with Tim Knight
Italian Barf Bag
Evil Plan 19.0
Downhill Racer
Evil plan 17.0
Downhill Racer.........Evil Plan 17.0 - Slope Of Hope with Tim Knight
Downhill Racer
Evil plan 17.0
The Globalist Take Charge
Evil Plan 3.0
The Globalist Take Charge.........Evil Plan 3.0 - Slope Of Hope...
The Globalist Take Charge
Evil Plan 3.0
Meet The Troika BDI in Greece
Evil Plan 11.0
Meet The Troika (BDI in Greece) - Slope Of Hope with Tim Knight
Meet The Troika BDI in Greece
Evil Plan 11.0
The Original Evil Plan 00.00
The Evil Plan.............(by BDI) - Slope Of Hope with Tim Knight
The Original Evil Plan 00.00
The Sting
Evil Plan 9.0
The Sting (Evil Plan 9.0 by BDI) - Slope Of Hope with Tim Knight
The Sting
Evil Plan 9.0
Bail outs & Bond Fires
Evil plan 15.0
Bail Outs & Bond Fires..........Evil Plan 15.0 - Slope Of Hope w...
Bail outs & Bond Fires
Evil plan 15.0
Goldfinger Evil Plan 5.0
Gold Finger (by Evil Plan 5.0) - Slope Of Hope with Tim Knight
Goldfinger Evil Plan 5.0
Zuccotti Park Evil Plan 13.0 (Occupy Wall Street)
Zuccotti Park..............Evil Plan 13.0 - Slope Of Hope with T...
Zuccotti Park Evil Plan 13.0 (Occupy Wall Street)