Options Charts and Analysis

The Slope of Hope is delighted to make available something extraordinarily rare: high quality, easy-to-use charts of options. This is an exclusive feature provided to Platinum premium members of the service. To access this page, choose Options Charts from the Options menu on the website:

Alternately, you can select this item from the Options menu within SlopeCharts:

There are a few important things to know:

    1. Presently, the chart does not include the current day’s information until a couple of hours after the market closes. Shortly after the closing bell, the database is appended with the latest options data.
    2. The options chart shows the closing bid and ask for the specific instrument being displayed, which is almost always more useful than the open/high/low/close data, since the vast majority of options are exceptionally-thinly traded. The mid is also displayed, which is the average of these two.
    3. You need to fill in the form from left to right, as shown in the next portion of this help page, since you need to clearly define precisely what it is you want to chart.