The Wisdom of Ellis

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One of my favorite movies is No Country for Old Men. One of the scenes in the movie is between Sherriff Bell, who has just quit the Sheriff's office, and Ellis, an elderly acquaintance of his. Here are a couple of bits of dialog from the shooting script which capture, I think, some aspects of trading these days………

Bell That man that shot you died in prison.

Ellis In Angola. Yeah.

Bell What would you a done if he'd been released?

Ellis I don't know. Nothin. Wouldn't be no point to it. 

Bell I'm kinda surprised to hear you say that. 

Ellis All the time you spend tryin to get  back what's been took from you there's more goin out the door. After a while  you just try and get a tourniquet on  it. 

Ellis …What you got ain't nothin new.  This country is hard on people. Hard and crazy. Got the devil in it yet folks never seem to hold it to account. 

Bell Most don't. 

Ellis You're discouraged. 

Bell I'm… discouraged. 

Ellis You can't stop what's comin. Ain't all waitin on you. 

The two men look at each other. Ellis shakes his head. 

…That's vanity.
