A Jobsian Tribute from a Sloper

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I keep getting the sense that the world is treating the Jobs departure as a funeral instead of a retirement, but let's face it, Steve Jobs is Apple, and it rightfully feels like a funeral. A Sloper, Mark St. Cyr, write me this morning, and he had posted a touching tribute to Mr. Jobs. Mark has given me permission to share it here.

Today many will wake to the news Mr. Jobs has resigned as CEO. He will most surely be granted another position to stay,and remain part of Apple® as he has asked. It appears his health must be getting the better of him. For many of us who’ve run companies large or small, or tried to start anything from scratch based solely on our vision of what we thought should be, and not accept the status quo regardless of the odds. It was Steve Jobs struggles, and triumphs that was for many of us what we thought about when we too were having our own dark hours.

This is a man who revolutionized everything we now take for granted, computers, music, movies, telephones, and to some degree business itself. But that’s not the important stuff for many. This is a man who at every stage where he could have kicked back and retired with mega bucks refused. He put everything on the line everyday, his money, his reputation, and at times I bet even more, and lost many times. However we’re talking about him today because he turned every loss into a turning point for even greater success. What an amazing story, period.

Although Apple® the company is a wonder of a success in so many ways (It also just became the largest market cap company in world dethroning Exxon Mobil!) it’s the passion, the vision, the determination of Steve Jobs that I personally hold in reverent respect.

Thank you Mr. Jobs.