Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Abby’s Last Stand

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I saw a magnificent performance of Mozart's Requiem at Stanford with my son this afternoon. I fondly think of all the bankers when Dies Irae is sung. Plus Larry Summers. Flames of woe, indeed.

Anyway, the ES and Euro are valiantly trying to fight their way back as I am typing this. The Euro is – incredibly – up as of this writing, and the ES has trimmed a 15 point deficit to half that amount. The epic battle is being waged, because if the wedge pattern fails, the bulls are screwed beyond all hope until we reach the 1050 level I've been mentioning eight thousand times an hour.

I'm done here for the day; see you Monday morning. I'm hoping to shoot my SPY hedge in the head at the opening bell and put it out of its misery.


Life and Death from my Perspective (by Mark St. Cyr)

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In remembrance of  Peter Hashem…Flight 11,  Seat 20A…Struck the North Tower at 8:46:40 am EST.

This column is different for me, this one is a little more personal. Unlike my usual columns, this is to give perspective for not only myself, but maybe for you also. The only thing I can say to start is…. Life is precious, and when it ends for what ever the reason at any time, chances are you will not have any control of the timing or the circumstances. So live to the fullest everyday regardless of where you are in life, because the unexpected, and the horrific can also happen to you, not just someone else.



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Today the entire nation will be transfixed on the tenth anniversary of the vicious attacks on the United States. And rightly so, as the events of that day permanently altered the history and trajectory of our nation.

I just did a search of my email archives for anything written that day, and I was surprised to actually find some items. I was, on that morning, in front of my screen at home making sure – as I always did – that all the systems were running smoothly at my company,
