Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Mayday Buyer’s Reward

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This is what buyers of the TF were rewarded with during intraday action through to the close on Mayday, as shown on the Daily chart below (note that volume was higher on Tuesday's candle and is reflecting a build in volatility):

This e-mini futures index has, basically, been in a large sideways trend since the latter part of January of this year. Price has been consistently rejected at 830.00, but remains above 780.00. It's had difficulty remaining in the upper one-third of this range and closed the day just below the 50% level. Failure to hold this 50% level could send it back down to 780.00 or lower.


Mass Media Flatlines

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The only reason I'm doing this post is because I happened to be in a waiting room.

I was at my son's optometrist, and the only two selections of reading material were (1) a large-print edition of Reader's Digest; (2) a recent issue of Smart Money. So I had to choose between the reading material of a resident of Iowa with failing vision or a person who considers Jim Cramer a sharp Wall Street insider. I relented and chose the latter.

In it was an article about currencies, and it showed some long-term charts of currency movement. What irked me about their presentation – – and I have seen this in many, many places, including the Wall Street Journal – – is that the editors or graphic designers don't seem to grasp that the amount of space allocated to a y-axis should really be greater than about one centimer. Witnesseth:


Do this yahoos expected anyone at all to be able to draw any conclusions or insight from a graph like this? Good God in heaven, people! You don't have to be an expert! You only have to be SENTIENT!
