For many years now, most of the world’s insight into the financial markets comes in a 5 second pre-commercial blurb near the end of the nightly news. Some version of Brian Williams stating “… Wall Street closed today with the DOW up 25 on a well-received jobs report. And in other news, a panda learned to wipe himself…” No real shock that this disservice hurt millions of retirement accounts – delaying that beachside condo purchase in Bonita Springs – at least until the balance is “back up again”.
Logic would suggest at least some of these IRA/401k investors would pay a little more attention to financial media (albeit mainstream financial media), in an effort to avoid the financial illiteracy which was so costly the first time. I continue to expect the herds of sheeple to maintain focus on Honey Boo Boo, however, the job of defeating one’s own ignorance is made more difficult by the mainstream data sources available.