Well, for me, tomorrow is either going to be a sucky final day to a generally sucky month, or it’s going to be a glorious revenge. One or the other. There is no middleground. (more…)
Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Your Tax Dollars At Work
Now that PFC Manning has been convicted of 19 charges (his crime, lest you need reminding, was to expose a morsel of our corrupt government), I thought I’d share the video that was the centerpiece of what he unveiled to the world: U.S. military personnel – – basically boys who got to live our their puerile Shoot ‘Em Up fantasies in real life instead of on their XBox – – slaughter civilians. We all have an unwilling part in this, remember: (a) you work hard to earn money; (b) you are forced to hand over a sizable part of your earnings to the government, lest you be imprisoned; (c) some of the money goes to operations like this. Makes you feel warm all over, right? If not, maybe you should watch the video. Seriously. Press Play. (more…)
A Must-Read Before Tomorrow’s FOMC Meeting
If you haven’t picked up this book yet, it is a must read prior to tomorrow’s FOMC Statement. It is a book for Bernanke, by Bernanke. Ok…. Just laugh… you know its funny. (more…)
The Gas Behind the FB Rally
I must say, I am stunned to see how persistent the volume has been behind the Facebook rally. It’s not that the short-interest is especially high, so unlike TSLA, that’s not the reason. I simply think that the moment the blowout earnings were reported, the disposition toward Facebook utterly changed character. It went from “Zero” to “Hero”, and I think it’s going to remain there. Grumpy old bear that I am, I still find it kind of heartwarming these guys are finally getting their day in the sun. (more…)
Aligning Myself with the Times
It’s apparent that any disposition other than a blind embracing of hockey sticks like JNJ will be met with ridicule and pity. I offer below the kind of doe-eyed optimism that made America great. I really do need to get with the program. I’ll follow up later to notify you of any babes that show up, since Mr. Vu apparently had no problem in this area once he decided to grab his share of the American dream. (more…)