My (still relatively new) subscription to Netflix has given me access to a lot of documentaries I have never seen. Based on prior choices, Netflix suggested a couple of movies to me related to wealth maldistribution. One of them was called Park Avenue, and I highly recommend it. The movie shows just how different the super-rich are from the rest of us, and how, in spite of their massive wealth, their main motivation is simply more wealth for the sake of more wealth. John Thain (who was born with what must be one of earth’s more punchable faces) is one of the zillionaires featured.
I was also directed to The One Percent by Johnson & Johnson heir Jamie Johnson. I thought it was pretty cool a zillionaire was doing kind of an expose on the moneyed class, but I gotta tell ya, I stopped watching after about fifteen minutes. The reason was that I couldn’t stand listening to the narrator (Jamie’s) voice. For voiceovers, he spoke in a complete monotone, and for on-camera, it was just plain annoying. When you get used to the professional narration on things like Ken Burns documentaries, it can spoil you. If you want to give it a whirl, though, here’s the whole documentary: