Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

The Missing Unicorn

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It is highly likely that SPX is close to the rally high here, or has made it already, and that at minimum SPX should now be the topping process for that rally. As well as the various patterns and divergences a 60min sell signal fixed at the open this morning, and the volume spike seen on Friday tends to be the market equivalent of the ‘black spot’ at predicting the imminent death of short term trends.

On the daily chart below there are nine previous instances of this kind of volume spike, and all of them were at or slightly before a significant high or low. The smallest move after the high or low was made on any of those nine instances was 80 handles on the bounce in December 2015.


Lower Price Akbar

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Over the past week, the ES seems to play this little game with the four bears left living on the planet (yours truly representing 25% of this bold contingent): it would drop a modest but enticing amount pre-open, like 5 or 8 points, providing much-needed hope. Then, quarter-point by quarter-point, it would simply reverse, and then the rest of the day it would be spend powering ever-higher, breaking what’s left of our hearts.

I figure this morning may be no different. I definitely don’t get as excited as I used to. I saw the ES was down 8, and I figured there must have been weak news from the scheduled German economic reports. When I finally got in front my screens, I saw this:


Of course, environment dictates reaction. If this was, for instance, October 2001, the ES would be down 100 points. Instead, as of this writing, it’s down about 7 (having climbed from down 8.25 when I started typing………….and I’m a fast typist).

In any case, from my own charting perspective, there are a staggering number of screamingly obvious short setups, whereas the only stocks that seem bullish are the ones which have done nothing but climb for years: boring stuff like Campbell’s Soup, and Smucker’s Jam, and McDonalds, and Phillip Morris, and other consumer crap like that. I’m not about to go long grocery story products now. I remain steadfastly bearish.