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Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Kodak, already down 87%, is seriously one of the stupidest stock market events in a market absolutely jam-packed with stupidity, that I’ve ever witnessed. A vaccine. Seriously?
So, once again, thinkorswim has been a total catastrophe all day long…… mess!
If you’re using their platform, and want something better, I urge you to sign up for tastyworks(which Slopers love) by clicking here. Plus, I’ll get a few bucks off of it, and God knows you might want to throw Tim a little love, right?
Back on the 8th of August, I did a post called Full Brazilian in which I declared, in part:
Simply stated, Brazil was shaping up and the small caps were driving me out of my mind. I finally got sick of the fight and dumped them on Friday. I kept EWZ, however, and intend to double the position on Monday.
I did indeed do that, committing a full 100% of my options portfolio to a single put position (October 16 $34 puts), which are up over 30% so far. My simple question to you folks is: why? Not that I’m anything but delighted, but how come Brazil is managing to sink while oil is up huge and the U.S. indexes are at lifetime highs? I based my decision on a chart, but I’m still curious…………..why? What is it about Brazil?
Following up on the watch list I shared with the Gold and Diamond members last night, here are seven I plucked out as especially interesting.