I guess the world has collectively decided not to give peace a chance.

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
I do not make predictions because I do not pretend to be a guru.* But NFTRH has been tracking what has been an uptrend in the US dollar for all of 2021, keeping us well aware of the potentials being realized from late summer into the fall. A higher low was made in May and now a higher high, completing an Inverted Head & Shoulders pattern that we’ve been projecting since USD put in the theoretical right side shoulder last spring.
Until recently it was a projection. Now it is active after testing the (dashed) neckline, holding the (blue) 50 day average and busting to a new high for the cycle. Simple, no predictions but a heck of a lot of attention and respect for the process.
You can see the three targets we’ve had laid out for the world’s reserve currency, which has logically caused market stress of late. It’s as simple as ‘you live (pump markets) by devaluing the currency, you die (markets correct) when it rebels. Now if the rebellion does not become something more than moderate and should end at target #1, we’ll probably go back to our regularly scheduled programming of pervasive inflation problems on the macro.
(more…)Virtual trading gets more un-real by the second. Imagine what this will do if we ever get an honest-to-God bear market that lasts more than two hours!
And a reminder – – please follow my @tickerart account on your Twitter feed. I’ll be making a big splash tomorrow.
The closets of America are filled with garments that are either seldom used or have never been used. I won’t speak to specific family members, but let’s just say that all of us could get back with 10% of the clothes we own. Probably more like 5%. In any case, people get bored, and they have nothing else to do, so they lumber around malls and buy stuff they don’t need. As the economic gets worse for the lower classes, however, this is going to start to die off, and we can see this exhibited in a gallery of clothing retailers. Here are an assortment of the forthcoming plungers………..
What’s going on with bonds is interesting. It used to be that as bonds eroded, interest rates went up, and then banks would roll around in a bull-gasm. These days, however, even the nimrods who buy equities are realizing that higher interest rates are going to lead to global asset death. Here we see TLT continue to break down.