To say everything is changing at breakneck speed would be an
understatement. Not only have the products, their cycles, finance,
markets, fads, heroes, and more changed. It’s also the driving forces
behind them that has also changed.
For some of us what we might think (or once thought) were drivers
have been replaced almost as quick as the changes in the products
themselves. And that is the reason why I truly started down this path
with p–n being my first example. Just the mention of the word gets the
attention of many. (or most)
Being an entrepreneur of any stripe whether you own your business or
just working and living through the vantage of an entrepreneurial
mindset. One thing is certain: You just can’t look at the world of
business and it’s drivers through the same lens as the masses. It’s
inherent upon you to not only envision what’s moving or pushing a
market. It’s just as important to what will sustain a market. Any
market. Buttressed with; is what everyone thinks is “the market”
actually “the market?”