The Simple Truth

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In a market like this, I’m a fool. In years to come, I will be considered a prophet (I hope so, at least!). I prefer the prophet, I’ve got to tell you. It was a cool little business, and it’s a cool little role – – ex post facto, of course. Being bearish in a world where a firm like Twitter can garner a $25 billion valuation is no walk in the park. Try it sometime. (And as for the likes of Nouriel Roubini, they’re going to claim to have been bearish, but that’s a crock of crap; they turned coats long ago).

Looking at very long-term charts, some dating back to 1900, I think anyone who is concocting a bullish scenario is under the influence of multiple narcotics. That dwarfish, hermaphrodite troll-doll Yellen is going to want to jump off the top of the Washington Monument within a year of taking over the currently-coveted Fed Chairmanship. I look forward to providing the URL to this post in years to come for the four most beautiful words in the English language: I told you so.

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