Liebe Meine Apschminki

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The market was a rather curious beast today, as the Russell 2000 reached its highest level in human history during the session. I well remember at the opening bell, some of the more persistently bullish Slopers were scurrying around, high-fiving each other about how this would be a “gap and go” day and how great it was they could simply buy the dip.

The market didn’t gap and go. It came and went.

To my eyes, the market remains utterly vulnerable to a sub-2000 drop on the ES, which would provide a marvelous scenario in which the mindless dip-buyers get butt-hurt on a pro tempore basis.


My heart and passion remain ensnared by the coolest thing I’ve ever done – – the project that shall not be named – – for which I’ll probably be fishing about for testers from Slopers in the near future (it goes without saying, printed and signed non-disclosure agreements will be involved). As I’ve hinted, my new project is deliciously far-removed from charts, the “markets”, and elderly sociopathic tribeswomen.

But I remain, reluctantly, and with rapidly soaring disinterest, engaged in this circus, and my 82 short positions did a yeoman’s job today of defying any market strength. My flagging interest in this faux-market Fed-fest is probably the most bearish event to occur this decade. If the $MID breaks this wedge, as I believe it will, laissez les bon temps roulez!
