Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Clueless Cohen
As an aesthete, I tend to remark on physical appearance more often than I should. Over the years, I’ve certainly said a thing or two about one Abigail Joseph Cohen, since she has the kind of physiological makeup that would make me reconsider my own sexual preference choices.
But she’s an investment analyst, not a swimwear model, so why focus on how she looks? So, totally by chance…………and I was not looking for this……….I saw a featured article in July 2018 in which she states that it’s not equities she is worried about, but bonds.
(more…)Patton Wasn’t Kidding
Something lighter for a change…………
One of my favorite Patton Oswalt routines of all time is his analysis of the differences between Bob Ross and William Alexander. Here’s the bit:
Entering the Eye
Greetings from the McDonald’s of East Palo Alto, which has replaced the sketchy Sports Page Bar as my hangout for doing posts. I am the only non-day-laborer here. Honest. I plant myself here because it’s right next to the newest SuperCharger station, plus it has good WiFi. And they play nothing but music from the early 1980s. So I’m a happy guy. Oh, and I don’t have the prospect of mowing lawns the rest of the day. Instead, I get to write posts for you good people.
Last week was a maelstrom of activity. I mean, setting aside barn-burners like tweets that caused global financial mayhem, just the scheduled stuff was action-packed: