Ten Ways to Tesla

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Now that we’re heading into the earnings season, I wanted to point out the vast amount of information on Slope you can discover about any given stock. Let’s take this afternoon’s hot report, Tesla. You can look at the price cone to see what the options market is doing:

slopechart TSLA

There is implied volatility (which has been degrading steadily!)

slopechart TSLA

The IV Rank:

slopechart TSLA

The historical behavior of the leading up to, and following, earnings:

slopechart TSLA

The Seismograph:

slopechart TSLA

The date analysis (showing here what a killer year 2020 was for TSLA):

slopechart TSLA

The relative strength graph (RSG):


Past earnings reactions:


The Super Summary:


And the Market Meter. PHEW!


And if that’s all too much work, you can just stare at the most expensive item sold yet from ticker.art which is the TSLA piece:
