Two ETFs Worth Noting

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It's been a good week for me so far. I've been much more aggressive this quarter (typically about 75% committed, almost always in shorts) versus last quarter (a more wimpy 35%, usually).

I note with some mild discomfort that IWM has closed its Eurogasm gap from a couple of Fridays ago. I've covered a handful of shorts, and have no large shorts, but all my little shorts (of which there are a breathtaking amount) would benefit from continued weakness beneath this gap. Whether we bounce or not remains to be seen.


Another big decision point is illustrated with precious metals. The chart of GLD shows that we are dancing on the razor's edge. If we crack that trendline, the next support is at 148.27. If we break that, you might be less frequent updates here on Slope, as my screen will be consistently obfuscated with splooge.
