Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Ray Dalio vs. Jim Rickards………….(by BDI)

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The above twitter thread is a tweet exhange I had with Jim Rickards earlier today.  He wrote the NYT best seller "Currency Wars", and is clearly an ardent Bear.  Not unlike our very own Market Sniper, he firmly believes that the current global economic malaise will end in devastating trade wars via head to head currency devaluations.  

Below are two informative reviews of his best selling book:


Fourteen Stocks That Only Go Up (by Ryan Mallory)

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This is by far one of my favorite stock screens, and one that has discovered some incredible winners in the past (CMG, MCD, and TICC to name a few), and this time around we have more stocks to take a look at then we have had in a very long time. So without further adieu, these are the stocks that continue to march higher, ignore market difficulties, and bring incredible returns to traders and investors alike. 

Here's the 14 Stocks That Only Go Up

Stocks That Only Go Up

Check out Ryan's Blog at

Fibonacci Fans and the S&P 500

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In my (all-too-lengthy) charting experience, I have found some charts are especially "Fibonacci-friendly" when it comes to fan lines and retracements. One such example is $SPX, the S&P 500, and its fan lines.

After Friday's sickening surge, I was curious to see what was going on with the S&P from a long-term perspective. I took great interest in how the very long-term fan line (dating back – I am not making this up – eighty years) was asserting itself as resistance. Look at the areas I've circled to see how this line has behaved as a magnet for prices.

