Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Intraday Off the Charts

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In recent weeks, I’ve been spending a lot of time and money on our data back end. I’d like you to know of a meaningful improvement that is now live, which is higher quality intraday charts.

A week or so ago, I wrote to the Gold and Platinum folks about this, but it’s even better now. There are two huge improvements:

  1. The history goes back a full 120 days, vastly more than before, with minute-bar granularity.
  2. The chart is updated during the day, and you will have the latest real time bars on the chart! With NO EXCHANGE FEES!

I’d also like to mention that Slope cleans up the data which, I assure you, has been notoriously dirty for my entire multi-decare career. This is what 120 days of minute bar data looks like with SlopeCharts filtering:


Real Time Data – – Free! BFD, Right?

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Something occurred to me that probably should have blinked like a light bulb over my head about a decade ago: every other charting service out there charges extra for real time data, whereas Slope doesn’t. It’s free. I poked around out there, and based on what I could find, here’s what other charting services do:

Barchart (source) – $89/month for charts with 15 minute delayed data and $139/month for real time. (I would hasten to point out that our top package, Platinum, is less than their delayed charts, plus it comes with about fifty other features on the site).

TradingCharts (source) – $9.95/month extra for real time stock data

StockCharts (source) – $9.95/month extra for real time stock data

FinViz (source) – $24.96/month extra for real time access

Yahoo Finance (source) – Not offered. 15-minute delayed data only.

So my questions: (a) are there any major charting services I’ve forgotten to list? (b) doesn’t it strike you as very valuable that Slope offers real time charting for $0 extra, and I haven’t had the sense to promote it? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Because who wants to trade based on stale 15-minute old data?!?!