Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

As Normal as Apple Pie

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Time for me to piss ‘n’ moan a bit, and as is so often the case, this is drawn for just everyday life. Specifically, the most recent Saturday.

Let’s dial back the clock a number of decades and consider young Tim. I was strange in a lot of ways. Most kids like sports. I had absolutely zero interest in either playing them or watching them. Most kids liked guns and hunting. Precisely zero interest from me. I’d prefer to hold any animal than shoot it. Most kids like listening to hard rock. I was more of a Gilbert & Sullivan young lad. So, yeah, not at all normal, which I guess is why the moniker “fag” was proffered on more than one occasion.

Things have changed, however, and I’d like to push it back to the present to examine this.

My mission was a simple one: get my wife’s iPhone upgraded. We use AT&T, so normally we go to the AT&T store to do this kind of thing. We drove over there together, got out of the car, and headed into the store.


Dialing Back Thirty Months

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Using liquidity data from the Federal Reserve was all the rage a couple of years ago on Slope, but I don’t mention it as often as I used to. I’d like to make an exception today, because I was quite taken by the chart created with this easy-to remember symbol:


The juicy stuff – – and, yeah, it’s pretty juicy – – is below just for paying subscribers, so here goes:


Bon Ami

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On Monday evening, after a grueling 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. in front of a computer, barely moving from the spot since I was contemporaneously dealing with my normal life (writing posts and trading) and my very abnormal life (screaming blue murder at my hosting platform for all the technical troubles we were having), I treated myself to cleaning a large pot in the kitchen sink that my wife had used earlier in the day to cook our dogs a big helping of chopped-up steak.

See, I like cleaning. We’re talking Felix-Unger-levels of enjoyment. So, I set about the task, scrubbing, rinsing, scrubbing, rinsing, and then with just a little water still in the pot, I swirled in enough white scouring powder to really do the job right.


The Path to Total Surrender

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PLEASE NOTE that, quite obviously, we've had some rough technical issues the past 12 hours, but it's only because we're doing a major upgrade. I've mentioned four times in a row (but somehow people keep missing it) that comments are OFFLINE for the foreseeable future (and it's tempting, frankly, to LEAVE it that way until December 1st, considering what's about to happen). Anyway, the site is 98% functional. and we're working on this sacred Day of Rest to even get comments restored.

Everything that “should” have happened………hasn’t. The seasonal weakness in September was a joke. The historic over-valuations that I’ve written about extensively have simply became more over-valued. And, from a charting perspective, as impossible as it seems to believe, the major indexes seem poised to just blast off to yet more lifetime highs.
