The video below is making the rounds, and with good reason. Famed hedge fund manager Ray Dalio has put together a half-hour video with his explanation of how the economy and debt cycles work. I think it’s educational for young and old alike, and unless you’re an economics PhD, you’re bound to learn something from it. (more…)
Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Cheap Or Inexpensive Phones: Does It Matter Anymore?
These words are used routinely ad nauseam by many marketers. However, they truly do have different meanings. Especially when being used to describe a brand.
One organization might want potential customers to respond with a knee jerk impression of cheap as in costs little to buy. Another might want the exact opposite response. i.e., Cheaper than it usually sells for. (more…)
Send in the Clowns
Last week the Fed treated us to a whipsaw as market perceptions apparently were not in line with the FOMC policy statement, which was basically a punt. Then the very next day the Fed’s James Bullard jawboned the media about a possible October Federal Reserve tapering. Hence, a letter writer was left with images of a 3 ring circus heading into the weekend. From the opening segment of the September 22 edition of Notes From the Rabbit Hole: (more…)
Prime Cuts – Fourth of Four
Wrapping up my picks from this weekened……I’m not sure how you spent your Friday night, but I spent mine going through all of my existing short positions (which are legion) and plucking out the very best of them. There are so many, I’m breaking this into four parts and posting them in pieces. How on Earth do you express your thanks to someone who spends so much time finding great opportunities for you? I’m glad you asked – join the many hundreds of other Slopers who have decided to subscribe to Slope Plus! Here is this post’s portion of short picks: (more…)
LinkedIn Weighed Down
Many have stood slack-jawed this year staring at something so huge, it prompted a double-take: LinkedIn’s stock performance. None would doubt that with the gargantuan problems our world faces, only someone with an appetite for success like founder Reid Hoffman would put his full weight behind the success of this constantly-growing corporation. He has battled weighty issues such as privacy as well as the fatuous attempts by competitors to unseat him from his throne. Flush with excitment, however, Hoffman continues to consume opportunities and overshadow the small men who once questioned whether he could truly soar. (more…)