I’ve just finished the new Slope of Hope introduction video, and I’d like you to watch it. My main motivation in doing this is to make sure I haven’t missed anything big. This thing was way more work than I imagined (particularly the voiceover), so I’m really hoping I’ve covered the bases! But if I’ve missed anything, please tell me, because I want this to be informative, instructional, and interesting…………..and I really hope even long-time Slopers learn one or two new things! I look forward to your feedback.
Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Glorious Quiet
After all the insanity of the past couple of weeks, it’s good to see Almost Nothing Whatsoever is dead ahead. Maybe it’ll give stocks a chance to, ya know, follow market forces or something crazy like that.
This evening, I am hard at work at a totally new introduction video for the site. Once I’m done, I’m going to post it, and I’d very much like your feedback, particularly noting if I’ve missed anything important! It’s all part of the “make Slope more clear” mission.
Bar of the Elites
Small Craps
The Slope PLUS post I did on June 9th pegged, ALMOST TO THE SECOND, the top in the Russell 2000 index. Since then, we’ve been weakening.
Observant readers may recall that I wouldn’t stop bitching about selling my QQQ puts too early. What I haven’t mentioned is that, over the past few days, I’ve been building up the exact same options position (again, July 21st puts, these priced at $142) against the IWM. I solemnly pledge not to completely bungle the exit on these.
As a reminder, I haven’t traded options in ages, and unlike you fancy folks, I am just a dumb old bear who buys puts. My little account is up about 40% since I started just a few weeks ago, though, and hopefully this IWM trade will make up for my “left too much on the table” QQQ trade. Here’s my fingers-crossed anticipation: