SlopeRules Search

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At long last, we have replaced the SlopeRules Search page with the new “SlopeTiles” presentation, so let me explain how this new page works.

We begin by choosing the Search SlopeRules item from the Develop menu:


Once all the shared SlopeRules are loaded, which takes a few moments, you will be presented with all of the “tiles” – – each one represented a SlopeRules set – – arranged in order of their names. Scroll up and down through the tremendous library your fellow Slopers have created and shared.

In the upper portion of the dialog box is a dropdown and a series of check boxes that allow you to specify the parameters, if any, you would like to use to filter the search results.

At first, all the shared SlopeRules are shown, but you can choose either bearish or bullish strategies, and you can decide what combination of technical indicators included in the rule sets are of interest to you.

Each tile has the word “Description” in its lower left corner. If you just point the mouse to this word, a description (if any was provided) of the rule set will appear immediately.

You can also click the Copy button if you want to copy that rule set into your own personal database (unless it is your own SlopeRule, in which case the button will instead read Unpublish).

If you are curious about the author of any particular SlopeRules, you can click on their hyperlinked named and have their profile appear.

Although the name and description of any given tile will give you a good sense as to its constitution, you can also click on the tile itself and immediately get a rule-by-rule breakdown of the components therein.

Now here’s the coolest part of all: in the lower-right corner is a large red button of special importance: Show Results will let you calculate the performance of all the rules based on any valid symbol you enter.

If you click Show Results, this dialog box appears allowing you to enter a symbol. It will default to whatever symbol is already on your chart (if any), but naturally you can enter something different if you’d rather study the results based on a different symbol.

Once you enter the symbol, after a moment of processing, each tile will be overlaid with information about its percentage of winners, its overall winning percentage, the average win percent, the average loss percent, and the total number of trades executed.

What’s really interesting at this point is that you can sort all the tiles based on any of the criterion shown in the dropdown. This “Sort” dropdown is available at all times, but until you use the Show Results function, only the NameAuthor, and Strategy are available as the basis for sorting. Once results are shown, however, you have many other useful choices.

Lastly, if you’d like to clean up the display, you can click Hide Results to remove that information (the same button is used; its text and function simply toggle back and forth).

As you can see, this is a monstrous improvement over the old Search screen. I hope you are enjoying the SlopeRules system, which we are constantly enhancing. Check it out now!