I’ve been talking in my last few posts about expecting a significant high at the end of November, to be followed by a downward cycle into April 2020, and here we are at the end of November, so how’s that looking here? Well as it happens a rare and significant event happened at the close today that confirms the inflection point here and leans strongly towards seeing that retracement next.
(more…)Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Marseilles Musings
Hello from the “Bring Me My Coffee” shop at the Vieux Port in Marseilles. I have spent the entire week in the south of France, and having never been here, have some fresh impressions to share.
These aren’t in any particular order, and in order to preserve the bullet points, I’m putting a few images beneath this list. So voila: