Between cancer treatments (for my wife) and some serious IT issues I didn’t manage a post last week, and have a bit of a conundrum this week as the post I’d ideally like to have published today would have involved too many charts and and an likely indigestibly large quantity of numbers for a single post. I’ve given this some thought and have decided to do three posts this week. The first one today will look at short term prospects for the market and the implications of the weekly candle last week coming off the weekly upper band ride that has likely just ended.
(more…)Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Chris Speaks
One of the most popular pieces I ever did was about my time at a company called Technical Tools, which you can read here. Totally by chance, I stumbled upon this interview today with the founder of Technical Tools (and, later,, Chris Cooper, who was my boss back in those days. It’s a fascinating interview, so give it a listen if you like:
Beautiful Car Wrecks
I genuinely hope some of my subscribers are benefiting from my short picks. In spite of this laughably fraudulent market (lifetime high on the NASDAQ today, thanks to literally 600 billion in Yuan thrown by the Chinese to support equities in the past 24 hours), some of my lovingly-chosen picks are getting blown to pieces. The latest, taking place right now, is Ford.
(more…)Unicorns on Their Feet
Just a quick survey on this NASDAQ-Lifetime-High day at some young stocks that are powering up.
(more…)Easy Peasy
This week has sucked for the bears so far, but one standout among the shorts was EZCorp, which lost about a quarter of its value today (just like WWE did last week).