The feverish purchasing of stocks since January 31st has been predicated on one absolutely laughable notion: that the government of China is well-intentioned, honest, and is fully-disclosing what’s going on with its pandemic. Allow me to remind you that this is the same government that has killed tens of millions of its own people without a second thought.
(more…)Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Simpler Times
My first computer was a TRS-80, back in 1981. One of the very first programs I bought for it was Dancing Demon. At the time, it was a technological marvel, that the programmer could squeeze this much into the extraordinary limited capabilities of the machine. Here it is, in all its glory. It still brings back fond memories! Jeez, I feel so damned old.
“We Will Use Those Tools”
Today from Fed Chairman Powell…
Powell says Fed will aggressively use QE to fight next recession
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Wednesday the central bank would fight the next economic downturn by buying large amounts of government debt to drive down long-term interest rates, a strategy that has been dubbed quantitative easing, or QE.
Of course they will. The fix is always in, isn’t it? Wouldn’t want to let a system and associated economy so far out on a brittle limb weighed down by exponential debt leverage go it on its own, now would we? Wouldn’t want anything like a naturally functioning economy because until an utter and complete crash and clean out, there can be no such thing. So more debt manipulation it is!
(more…)Bank Shot
One of the most vulnerable sectors in this goes-up-every-market is, I believe, the banks. Earlier today, I shorted KBE, with a stop at 46.35; it is already showing a modest profit.
(more…)Five More
I just added five more shorts to my portfolio. I’ve put the stop-loss I’m using in the caption of each one.