Courtesy of fellow Sloper Rohit Goel (email: RGOEL441@GMAIL.COM) who thoughtfully provided these two charts:

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Courtesy of fellow Sloper Rohit Goel (email: RGOEL441@GMAIL.COM) who thoughtfully provided these two charts:
It has been strange watching the markets climb higher in this tremendously strong impulse at the same time as the Fed and others have been talking about a possible contraction in world GDP this year of 25% or more, by far the worst world contraction on record, in the shortest time. I noticed an analyst tweeting about a conversation he had with a four year old last week about the markets where the four year old was talking about just buying in the expectation that an even greater fool would buy the position at an even more absurdly higher price in the near future. That seemed surreal, but the markets look increasingly surreal at the moment.
(more…)Note from Tim: I think I could save myself a lot of time and energy by just publishing really good emails. This is another one I just received from Lee Adler of the Wall Street Examiner – – he has kindly given me permission to share it here with all of you. I have made minor edits for clarity and brevity, plus I’ve added a bunch of goofy pictures to try to keep your attention.
Tim, as I hope you know, I love your work. I was a customer of ProphetCharts many moons ago. And of course, I’ve been syndicating your posts on WSE for a while.
I was somewhat bemused about your Via Mundi post.
I’ve spent the last 19 1/2 years online explaining just how the money gets into the system and how that impacts the markets.
There’s normally only one conduit for monetary policy transmission, except when the Fed goes crazy with alphabet soup programs. But even those are but the pimple on the elephant’s ass compared with its main transmission mechanism.
(more…)Ever since the small caps peaked just three days ago, it’s been a pile-driver, particularly today. After the cocaine addicted business advisor to your President made a complete asshole of himself in front of the White House, the bears have been bitch-slapping the evil bulls. Beware, however. Important support looms, and only a serious dose of truth can crack it.