I’ve gathered a dozen charts of stocks which seem like good short sale candidates; here are six of them:

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I’ve gathered a dozen charts of stocks which seem like good short sale candidates; here are six of them:
For the one or two bears left out there, man, what a disappointment we’ve had over the past couple of weeks. Right at the moment it seemed things were breaking down, whoosh, everything reverses course. This honestly feels like an environment in which you can drop a hammer, and the hammer will simply float in mid-air. Nothing is natural anymore. Breakdowns don’t break down. They are simply defied.
There’s a lot about this life that I find just plain spooky.
Take time, for example. I am convinced we do not understand the true nature of time. Indeed, it is possible that our minds aren’t even capable of grasping what time really is, even if we had an omniscient entity patiently try to explain it to us.
Think back to when you first learned about the theory of relatively, or the intermingling of time and space. I’m not sure about you, but for myself, starting in the 5th grade, I tried terribly hard to understand these concepts. I read book after book, including those books written for children curious about such things. It seems I simply don’t have the mind for it, in spite of all my efforts. Those gifted by genius, or at least more flexible minds than my own, can perhaps grasp these things, but so far, I cannot.