Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Watch Me Embarrass Myself In Front Of A Live Audience

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I don’t know how exactly but Convict Scott (friend of the blog and T.K.’s debt enforcer) somehow talked me into hosting a live webinar series on the crypto trading system we’ve been putting together over the course of the past year, and then traded from $70,000 to slightly under $1M since January. And we can show you the account to prove it. Exact scheduling is still being worked out but barring any technical show stoppers the plan is run the first webinar sometime this weekend. Sign up to my Facebook group in order to be notified.

To whet your appetite, here’s a short intro with a few highlights. This is going to be a hands-on seminar solely focused on getting you up to speed on trading crypto. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know anything about the blockchain or which coins to buy.

Scott and I wanted to put together a system that allows you to start banking coin immediately without relying on luck, tips from idiots spouting opinions from their mother’s basement, or go through what I had to do, which was to spent months of my time compiling and disseminating a mountain of quantitative research.


NFT Fifty

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Honestly, I get it. I understand that new technologies come along, and people unacquainted with them will eschew them. I’ve been mixed up in high tech for almost my entire life, and I understand this. Plus, I’ve never seen myself as a luddite. It may take me a while to fully grasp the consequence of something new, but I don’t have a knee-jerk reaction to reject everything that comes along with is novel.

But here’s the thing – – – when I saw new things come out in my lifetime – – be it graphical user interfaces, or the LaserWriter, or LANs, or WiFi, or the commercial Internet, or electric cars, or the iPhone, or anything else – – no one could plausibly make the argument that one of those given things was useless and idiotic. Any reasonable person could be convinced that, yes, this new “thing” might just turn out to be important, even if it wasn’t immediately obvious as to why.

Try as I might, this still hasn’t clicked for me with crypto, which is pretty odd, since this is literally a multi-trillion dollar market now with hundreds of well-funded companies in that ecosystem. But my refusal to embrace the idea that crypto is going to change the entire universe is dwarfed by my eye-rolling about the latest extension of crypto, which is NFT. I just stumbled upon a site whose sole purpose in life is to sell digital artwork by way of NFT, and it’s quite a sight.

Here’s one auction of note – – you will kindly note that the winning bid was well over a million dollars.
