Obviously just a comment cleaner, but super-enjoyable if you like bass. I’d like to dedicate this song to everyone who refuses to subscribe to a premium membership;
Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Fresh Pairs
I’m really liking this market! Which always makes me worry. If things are going against me, I feel bad. If things are going my way, I worry. Quite a personality, right? But let’s take a look at a few ratio charts.
Here we have the IWM divided by SPY, which suggests to me that small caps are probably in trouble Real Soon Now.
(more…)Up So Down
I find this fascinating: examine the symbol FR:T10Y2Y, the 10 year rate minus the 2 year rate. This concoction has done a crackerjack job of predicting every single recession, and the most recent is no exception. I have tinted each instance when this data point went negative, and then reversed, to highlight the “V” bounce in this spread.
(more…)An Overnight Sensation
Some people have accused me of being smart. I fervently disagree. I’d like to offer into evidence something which the Virtual Trading system has taught me. Plus, I’d like to encourage you folks to use the system not so much for the ego-gratifying chance to get onto the Top Ten list, but to learn something about yourself, as I have recently done.
(more…)Peloton Victory Lap
Well, that worked out well. I have relentlessly declared that Peloton (and Zoom) was an accidental beneficiary of Covid, and now that Covid is in the rear view mirror, people are going to turn cold to the idea of paying monthly fees to sit in a stationary bicycle. I called for a price target of $111. Well, voi-freakin-la!