The Very Best of 2021 (Part 4 of 7)

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Preface to all parts: It’s that time of year again. I have written over 30,000 posts during the long history of Slope, and at the end of each year, I gather up what I consider the best of the prior year’s offerings. At the end of every year, I assume I’m utterly out of material, and yet at the same time, I look back with amazement at all the terrific posts from the year that has just completed. I’m not sure how long I can keep this up, but my concerns of content exhaustion have been proved wrong since March 2005. For your reading pleasure, I offer the following Best of 2021 Posts:

Putting out a fire with a steady stream of gasoline

Political Discourse
Slope finally stops trying to corral political content, and of course the problem stops instantly

Gratitude Instead of Attitude
The horrors of Kabul make me think of things for which I am grateful

Good Boy
A homeless dog inspires another canine essay

The hysterically-funny folks running for California’s top job

Dual Memories
My trip to Jackson Hole was filled with moose and memories

You Darned Kids!
If you’d enjoy some loss porn from Wall Street Bets