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(more…)Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Featured Favorite Follow-Up
Three weeks ago, I did a post called Featured Favorites Three, which had three symbols I liked on the short side – – OKTA, MTCH, and SAFE. Let’s check with the updated charts……….they look as good as ever!
(more…)Today’s Symbol: IAFT
It would massively clear the air if on Thursday we got another down day.
(more…)European Power
Rock Down to Electric Avenue
OK, I’ve done it. I’ve shorted Tesla. This time, in size. Execution price: 1038.39
A triple-digit close today would sweeten the pot. And a shooting star, yeah, that would be nice. Really nice.