I assume almost all of you are well familiar with Apocalypse Now (I’ve watched it many times) as well as the best-known quotes and catch phrases, such as “Charlie Don’t Surf!” But there’s one throwaway line from this scene which I’m thinking about………….
(more…)Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Produce Price Morning
The last major economic data point that will tumble in before the crooks at the FOMC hold their kabuki theatre meeting will be the Produce Price Index, which is forecast to be 1% for the month. (As we’ve noted in the hallowed halls of Slope, inflation is running at 20% presently, and is sure to rise). Let’s just say we wouldn’t be surprised to see this coming in scorching hot. The number is release (to us peons in the public, at least) one hour before Tuesday’s opening bell.
Glaring Statistics on New Vol Bull Market
Before I get started I want to encourage all of you interested in trading options to sign-up for my free weekly newsletter. Free Weekly Newsletter on All Things Options.
You will find educational topics on all things options, options research, options trade ideas, weekly indicators and more each week. I’ve been on Slope for a long, long time and would love your all of your support. Thanks so much. Kindest, Andy.
(more…)Another Right Triangle Train Wreck
Last year, I was dazzled at just how many right triangle patterns existed. These are all, virtually without exception, falling to pieces, and after hours on Monday one particularly horrific outcome is Coupa Software (symbol COUP). I have no position in it (unfortunately) but add this to the stack of well-known tech stocks that have lost more than 80% of their market cap!!