Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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Doge Day Afternoon

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It’s fascinating how pop culture can intersect with the financial markets.

Early in 2021, Dogecoin was all the rage, and one of its main proponents, Elon Musk, was surprisingly slated to host Saturday Night Live. The boys on reddit figured this would be just what the doctor ordered to launch $DOGE into the stratosphere, since Elon would pump it up on the show. Thus, the 19 year olds loaded in. A contrarian would assume that, paradoxically, Elon’s presence on SNL would not only not mark a new bull market in the coin, but in fact be an important top.

And it was. But, uncannily so. Elon’s SNL gig wasn’t merely the same month as the DOGE top. Or the same week. It was the same goddamned DAY (almost to the millisecond). The odds of him nailing the precise top, with the coin having traded thousands and thousands of days, is vanishingly small. But………..
