It’s probably easiest to start by sharing an email that I’m sending out to all appropriate parties:
Allow me to begin with an apology by way of an explanation.
I’ve been using computers since 1979 and email since 1981 (hard to believe, I know, but true). During those four decades of using email, I have always prided myself on responding virtually instantly to any message. If for some reason I’m away from the computer for even an hour, I get jumpy with guilt about not responding more swiftly.
This morning I discovered (for reasons too uninteresting to explain) that many messages from my tastytrade account never landed in my email program. In fact, there were nearly 500 of them, some of them as old as half a year. For someone who is racked with guilt about one-hour old messages, you can imagine how I felt. Your message was among them!
Suffice it to say I am terribly sorry for appearing to utterly ignore you (which I would never do………ever!). The thing is, isn’t my primary address, or even my secondary address. It’s barely even a tertiary address. I tend to live on
Having said that, please accept my heartfelt apology, and if what you were writing about is still an issue, I absolutely want to hear about it. Just please drop me a line at and I can pledge to you a swift reply!
Thank you for your hoped-for understanding………
See, it came to my attention this morning that I had idiotically, stupidly, inexplicably made my email address on the contact page I honestly had no idea what I was thinking. I mean, for God’s sake, I didn’t even have ACCESS to it.
I spent a portion of my morning with the winner of the World’s Thickest Indian Accent Contest (it was quite an honor) who very, very slowly assisted me with the problem. Honestly, it should have been a one minute conversation, but it took an hour.
Rest assured, I will be plowing through all these emails tonight, because it really messed with my head to think that hundreds of people assumed I rudely blew off their emails when that is SO SO SO not like me. If you were one of them, I am very sorry, and you’ll be hearing from me within hours!