Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
This Is What I Mean……..
……..when I speak of now being not a fantastic entry point for shorts, but long-term, it hardly making much difference.
Below is one of nearly 200 stocks that have similar characteristics. Namely: (a) wonderful long-term potential for a drop (b) the opportunity to push up a little higher next week for a better entry.
I'm in this position, and my stops on all my positions remain pretty loose. Should we have a rally next week – – and the last 90 minutes of today should be MIGHTY interesting – well……… are going to see one happy bear here.
A Crack of Smile Through All This Hate
Jellyfish was a short-lived band that had some really amazing music and videos around 1990. Below is from a live concert in Germany, although the much higher-quality and easier-to-understand video is here (embedding it is disallowed). I am in awe of any drummer who can do the singing at the same time.
Right on the Trendline!
Sneaking Through the Crack
Regular readers know well my frustration with my formerly marvelous 401-k account which has had its arms chopped off to the Principal Financial Group's patronizing decision to eliminate ETF trading from brokerage accounts. One symbol, DZZ, apparently eluded their search-and-destroy mission, so – – since it's the one symbol I can trade (rolling eyes), I bought it today. I'm aiming for an exit of anywhere close to $20. Sheesh.
Believe me, I shall be closing this account the moment I am legally able to do so and moving it to – shall we say – greener pastures.