Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
The DIG Abides
I'm bearish, but I'm not insane. When things get somewhat oversold, I like to have at least a partial balance to my positions.
Lately, DIG has been my favorite. It has worked its way down to a really nice neckline. It's very liquid and behaves itself pretty well technically. I'm long 17,000 DIG just to even things out in case we push higher. After all, the US dollar's run has been pretty strong lately.
BIDU Adieu
One would think today would be a peculiar day to short BIDU. Not for me. It has shattered its trendline, and I waited until it pushed as close to the underbelly of that former support line as it could, then I shorted it. This is not a huge position – 70 shares – but it's a pretty cool chart. Entry price of 381.75; target – I dunno – upper 200s I think.
Never Stop Learning
A few days ago, my little girl had the following conversation with me:
Daughter: I can always tell which Dad is mine.
Me: How's that?
Daughter: You're the one who's always reading.
It's true. I read all the time. And last night, I scanned my shelves of trading and technical analysis books and picked up Trading In the Zone, which I've read many times before. (It's in my list of recommended reading.)
Most books about trading are totally useless, but there are a few gems. And those you find are gems, I suggest you read over and over and over again. Highlight them; think about them; absorb them. Because as I grow – and you do as well – as a trader, the book's message will be richer and more meaningful.