Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Semolina Pilchard
I think I'm done blogging for today. Years ago, I'd do one post in the afternoon. Now I usually bang out ten posts between 6 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. It seems to be a new routine of mine.
I'm sort of hopped up on Beatles right now, so you might as well enjoy this………..
Well, this is my 9th post, so I'm going to take some R&R (probably in the form of pretending I'm Ringo Starr for a couple of songs).
GOOG earnings came out a few moments ago, and their stock is higher by double digits. The /ES actually is down a tiny bit from the closing bell, so I guess GOOG's earnings didn't make the market explode higher (yet).
Anyway, enough for now. I'm going to take a break.
Revisiting an Important Projection
This is a pretty important post, so I'm going to put it up and leave it up until the market closes (with apologies to readers who don't like seeing hundreds and hundreds of comments in a single post).
Regular readers are quite acquainted with my chicken-scratch drawing from October 18, 2008, laying out where I thought the market would be headed over the coming years. This chart, for me, represents a point of pride and a point of shame:
- I am immensely proud that, so far, it has been extremely accurate in terms of market direction. The S&P did indeed fall hard (although it exceeded my 711.50 level by 45 points), and it certainly exploded higher after that, just as I conjectured.
- I am immensely ashamed of the fact I did not exploit my own insight to take advantage of this year's rise. This was an incomprehensible failure on my part that I live with every day.
But my drawing holds a lot of weight for me, and it is based on the notion that we are in a 1937-1942 style market. Below I have tinted that market's surge higher, which is precisely what we're going through now.
The big question now, of course, is whether 1152 – – the level I predicted, but which I felt was unthinkable when I did my projection – – is going to be met or not. After all, we didn't fall to 711.50 – we fell 45 points below that. So what does it mean?
My thinking is that it means 1152 will not be reached. By updating my calculations, the new figure would be between 1080 and 1100 (which, errr, is where we are at as I am typing this).
Now, in this business, taking a stand on anything is a thankless task. If you're right, people don't really remember, but if you're wrong, you are subject to derision and mockery.
It's much safer to basically say things will either go up or down, and the next time you write about the market, carefully pull out the quotes that line up with reality and make yourself look like you nailed it. (I won't name any particular publications, Should That Upset them).
One such "bold prediction" – and I called it that – was posted here over a month ago, and it was amplified in more detail in a later post.It called for the S&P 500 to fall to a level of about 950.
It didn't.
So what went wrong? I paid too much attention to the form and not enough to the size of the former move. Here is the move I was anticipating from 1938…….
And here is the updated view of the 2009 instance:
I have been very conservative lately, but the gloves are going to come off tomorrow. If I were feeling really aggressive (and I am not), I would start shorting today, but the risk of a GOOG blowout is too great.
So I'm going to continue to sit on my hands for one more day. But then I am going to start getting into position. If GOOG doesn't work its magic for the market, so much the better, but I'm not counting on it. GOOG doesn't make a habit of making the market go down. So, in a way, I'd love for GOOG to have a blowout and drive the S&P to 1100. It would make shorting that much sweeter.
A Bunch of Bullion
It's a pretty good day for me, and by far the biggest shining star for me are my precious metal shorts. I've got ZSL (ultrashort silver), DZZ (ultrashort gold), GDX (short), and GLD (very big short). Below is an intraday graph for this week; I've tinted the very brief "Post-FOMC Minutes" kick higher that GLD received, which was its lifetime top.