My recent decision to add Fujisan's posts to Slope seems to be a good one. The posts are well-liked, and it gives your poor, beleaguered host a little bit of a break.
After all, on the rare occasions I actually go on vacation, I still wind up doing posts. There's not a day in the year – even Christmas or New Year's – that I'm not doing this.
Added to which, I think it would help to have some new voices here. In the comments section, I've liked the work of Kemal_1 VirginiaJim, Joe8888, and many others, and I'd love to have some interested parties participate in the blog in a more visible way.
So if you'd like to be seriously considered for a regular post (by "regular", I probably mean at least once a week, or at least once every couple of weeks), please drop me a line. Or if you'd like to encourage someone else to do so – – or voice your feelings about this possible new expansion of content – – say so in the comments section.
Thanks; I look forward to seeing where this takes us.